Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Three-Point Basket

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to stop by the health club during the middle of the day. I am in somewhat of a "groove" when it comes to exercizing. I found a workout program in a book that seems to work pretty well. I was nearing the end of my workout and was extremely tired and winded. I was walking near several cardio machines that are on a balcony that looks out over three basketball courts. On one of the courts, I noticed three young men shooting baskets. I also saw wheelchairs nearby and made the assumption that these three men might have some type of special needs. I decided to walk to the other side of the court to meet them. I made this decision based on two factors. First, I really did want to meet them. Second, I wanted the people on the cardio machines to see a "normal" person making an effort to greet and talk to some people with special needs. I met Travis, Gavin and Va. All are students at the local high shcool. They were at the health club as part of an effort on the part of the high school to get special needs students comfortable in various community situations AND to get more people in the community comfortable in seeing people with special needs in an icnreasing number of situations and circumstances. Travis has an excellent shoot and is going to the Special Olympic regionals. Gavin is working on not getting to excited in the community. He must be progressing. He barely reacted when a shot by Travis bounced off of the rim and landed squarely on his head. Va is getting over extreme shyness. So, I got to meet three new friends with very little effort.

P.S. A regular reader celebrates a birthday today! Happy Birthday, my friend!

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