Monday, February 11, 2013

The Holy Spirit Throws a Knuckler

After a year off, maybe it is time to fire up the neurons and get back to blogging on a regular basis. This morning, shortly after waking up, I learned that Pope Benedict XVI announced that he will be resigning at the end of the month. While I am surprised, I am not shocked. I do not sense that he is resigning simply because he is tired and wants to fulfill his dream of returning to Bavaria to read books, write books and play the piano. I would not fault him if that were the case. However, in recent months, it has become noticeable that his health is declining. Pope Benedict is in the best position to determine if he can continue to serve as the successor to St. Peter. He announced that decision a few hours ago. We now enter enter into a situation that hasn't been experienced for centuries. We will have 2 popes. It will be interesting to see how accessible Pope Benedict will be after his successor is elected. It will be interesting to see who his successor will be. Even after throwing us a major curve ball, it is always best to trust in the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Fowl Order

My oldest sibling came to visit for Christmas. We had the opportunity to spend some time at our small family cottage near a lake and forests.

Knowing my sibling is an avid bird watcher, I had hopes that one or two of the wild turkeys we had seen in recent weeks would make an appearance. Sure enough, I spotted two of them passing through the back yard. When I got up to get a better view, I discovered that the two turkeys brought some friends - about 60 of them! Ugly as wild turkeys are, they are still God's creatures. Speaking of God, this experience made me grateful to God that "Animal Farm" is fiction.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Campaigning For Change

Wisconsin just endured 9 recall elections of state senators.  Over $40 million was spent on these elections.  That same amount would provide comprehensive long-term care services to over 600 people with special needs for a year.

Perhaps we should considering giving to God what we give to Ceasar.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm All In

For over a decade, I have been discerning a call to be a permanent deacon.  In fact, I have been ready to apply to a formation program for several years.  However, there has been a significant challenge:  the diocese in which I live is not actively recruiting and forming new permanent deacons.  Thus, my discernment journey has been long and often frustrating.

Yesterday, I was informed that my bishop signed that last document that paves the way for me to begin permanent diaconate formation in a neighboring diocese with the intention of being ordained and serving in my home diocese.  So, I am now official...which is good - the formation program begins in a little over a week!

I remain grateful to the many people that have been and continue to be part of this discernment journey. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Recalling Being Born and Bred in Wisconsin

I am a moderate and I am lost.  Tomorrow, there will be six recall elections targeting Republican State Senators in Wisconsin.  Next week, there will be two more elections targeting Democratic State Senators.  Unless your last name is Van Winkel, you are probably aware of the damage that extreme partisanship has brought upon Wisconsin.  We now only know how to campaign.  We no longer know how to govern.  This is a major problem during any period, especially a period of severe economic challenges.  So, the Blues and the Reds are ready to bash each others heads in for the next week. 

Most of the time, I am part Blue and part Red - I am Bred.  I don't know if I have ever voted straight ticket in any election.  However, in the current political climate, that is not acceptable.  I have to choose one or the other.  It seems that there are a growing number of people like me - people that look for leaders to govern, rather than campaign.  Maybe we are the actual silent majority that so many people talk about.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Good Grief?

For the past several months, I have witnessed a Facebook friend grieve the loss of a spouse.  During that time, this friend has posted numerous photos of the spouse that died.  There were also numerous reflections about how much the spouse was missed.  Overall, there must have been over 50 related posts in a few months.

I don't know if this is a good thing.  It is certainly a good thing for people that are grieving to share their thoughts.  But on Facebook?  I have had numerous opportunities to grieve the loss of a close family member.  I really don't think I would be comfortable grieving on my Facebook wall.  I could be wrong, but I think it would be best to seek out specific people with whom to personally share grief and be personally supported by them.  That personal contact seems more like a continuous stream of balm to help heal the grief, whereas the Facebook contact seems like random drops of balm - some hitting the mark and others...who knows? 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Am, At Long Last, An Eagle Scout

No, I have not earned any merit badges.  In fact, I was kicked out of Cub Scouts for cheating in the Pinewood Derby.  I intentially added weights to my car so that it would move faster down the track.  It worked, but it did not conform to the regulations.

However, I am now an eagle scout.  While kayaking on a nearby lake a couple of weeks ago, I noticed a very beautiful American bald eagle - quite majestic with a bright white head and tail.  It was obvious that I rousted him from his usual perch.  A few days later, I noticed the same eagle taking off from about the same location.

Yesterday, I was ready.  I knew where the eagle lived and I had the camera ready.  As I approached his usual perch, he took off.  Of course, I could not quite get the camera operating.  However, I saw that he appeared to land in a secondary perch near another part of the lake.  I paddled to where I thought he would be.  There he was, majestically perched on a tall tree, but still too far away for a good photo or video.  Again, he took off just before I got close enough to get a good photo or video.

Well, it appears that I will have to work on this.  I need to "butter up" this bird - not to eat, but to get him a bit less uncomfortable with my presence.  When I get the photo and or video, I will post it on this blog.

Where are you, St. Francis of Assisi?