Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Watchman Cometh

I got to know Paul through a mutual friend.  I haven't seen much of Paul in recent years.  In fact, the last time I saw him was at the retirement party for the mutual friend.  In past years, I spent New Year's Eve at Paul's apartment in another city.  We would go to a local establishment to watch the indoor barstool races.  Yes, these were actual races with gas powered barstools going around an indoor track.

All of us worried a bit about Paul.  He drank a fair amount.  He was overweight and didn't take the best care of himself, even though he was an emergency medical technician.  He battled diabetes.  He was always somewhat of a loner.

Two days ago, a family member found Paul dead in his condo.  Paul was just 44.  However, heart disease and diabetes don't always recognize youth.  It appears both played a role in Paul's death.

The primary prayer and hope is that Paul's somewhat wayward soul has finally returned home and that his family can take comfort in knowing that such a return has taken place.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chiller Theater

I am getting old and my body is not what it once was.  Several years ago, I came down with bacterial pneumonia.  It wasn't too bad.  I went to the doctor, got checked out and was given some antibiotics.  The doctor said that this malady will likely return in the future.  In my case, it has.  Just like the swallows at San Juan Capistrano.  Every year in late January or early February, I get sick, sometimes very sick.  This year was the worst.  Last night, I had a case of the chills.  They were coming and they were going.  At one point, they came and did not leave for about 30 minutes.  My wife was on the verge of calling 911 based on her fear that I was having some sort of siezure.  I have to admit that I was getting close to the point of worry.  Due to the uncontrollable shaking, I could not communicate well.  I didn't have religious thoughts.  My primary goal during this uncontrollable shaking was to inform my wife about the location of my life insurance policies. 

Fortunately, no claims on the policies needed to be made.  However, the event was a reminder of the need to have some things in order - just in case.