Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Am, At Long Last, An Eagle Scout

No, I have not earned any merit badges.  In fact, I was kicked out of Cub Scouts for cheating in the Pinewood Derby.  I intentially added weights to my car so that it would move faster down the track.  It worked, but it did not conform to the regulations.

However, I am now an eagle scout.  While kayaking on a nearby lake a couple of weeks ago, I noticed a very beautiful American bald eagle - quite majestic with a bright white head and tail.  It was obvious that I rousted him from his usual perch.  A few days later, I noticed the same eagle taking off from about the same location.

Yesterday, I was ready.  I knew where the eagle lived and I had the camera ready.  As I approached his usual perch, he took off.  Of course, I could not quite get the camera operating.  However, I saw that he appeared to land in a secondary perch near another part of the lake.  I paddled to where I thought he would be.  There he was, majestically perched on a tall tree, but still too far away for a good photo or video.  Again, he took off just before I got close enough to get a good photo or video.

Well, it appears that I will have to work on this.  I need to "butter up" this bird - not to eat, but to get him a bit less uncomfortable with my presence.  When I get the photo and or video, I will post it on this blog.

Where are you, St. Francis of Assisi?