Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Shepherd Goes Home

A couple of weeks ago, we lost a pastor. This pastor had been active in the community for many years as a teacher, directing pastoral activities at parishes and even serving as associate vocation director for a fairly large diocese. A couple of months ago, this pastor was diagnosed with cancer and passed away six weeks later.

This pastor was a Franciscan.....nun. She was well known by many people around the nation due to her natural pastoral and leadership abilities. When I spoke to a friend that heads a major male religious order based in a northeastern state, he repeated what I have heard from many other people who knew this nun: She would have been an incredible bishop (not a priest, but a bishop). I never knew if this nun aspired to be an ordained minister. However, I concur that she would have been a wonderful bishop. All she wanted to do was to help people.

She was a feminist, but not the type of feminist that seeks attention simply because she is a woman and all men are evil. She recognized that pastoral and leadership skills are gifts given to all regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.

May Sister Mary Jo rest in peace.

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