Monday, May 26, 2008

How to Celebrate Memorial Day

Memorial Day Weekend! Have a cookout...Watch the Indianapolis 500...Go to the parade...Spend time with family.

All are great things to do. However, I suggest that we remember the reason for the holiday and think a bit "outside of the box" in terms of how to celebrate. Like most of us, I did give some brief thoughts of thanksgiving for the many men and women of the military that have passed away - either due to combat injuries or as veterans. I remember the 21 gun salute that took place at the tomb of an unknown soldier across the street from the house in which I grew up.

This year, I celebrated in a slightly new way. I made a small donation to The Archdiocese of the Military Services. Think about the parishes that you know. They have a pretty stable membership and most still have a priest. Most of the parishoners give some type of financial support to the parish. Compare that to the Archdiocese of the Military Services. Their parishioners are coming and going constantly. Many of them are in foreign lands and face tremendous spiritual challenges. Due to a severe shortage of military chaplain priests, many members of the armed forces go for months without having the opportunity to have personal contact with a priest. If we don't pitch in a little and help support the Archdiocese of the Military Services, who will? Most soldiers earn little pay. High-ranking officers that do earn more money are usually members of traditional diocesan parishes.

Please consider supporting the Archdiocese of the Military Services. Their website can be found at:

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