Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Tangled Web We Weave

I'm old.

How do I know? A person half my age showed me how to update the website where I work. Even though she wrote out exactly how to update the site, it took me a fair amount of time to make some simple changes. She probably could have made the changes in about 1/4th of the time it took for me to make the same changes. Nevertheless, I worked my way through the process and enjoyed a positive outcome.

Also, the fact that I feel such a huge sense of accomplishment for updating the website indicates that I am an old man. I can only imagine how may parents felt when they figured out how to use a calculator or when my grandmother figured out how to use the microwave oven.

Now that I think about it, I am not too far from being eligible to be a member of AARP. I keep getting older and they keep lowing the age for membership eligibility. My age and their age requirement are getting to be very close! Should I ever become an AARP member, perhaps I will volunteer to work on their website.

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