Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Daze of Wino and Roses

Can you believe it? Britney Spears is in trouble again. How do I know? Well, "news" about Britney's misteps is a dealy feature of television "news" shows.

Don't get me wrong - I feel sorry for Britney and those other people of her ilk. Paris Hilton and Nichole Ritchie have virtually no talent. Britney has a small amount of talent. Lindsay Lohan has some talent, especially when it comes to acting. However, all of the above have the misfortune of dealing with an insatiable appetite for being the center of attention. When they discovered that the limits of their talent could not maintain their place in the spotlight, they turned to other means such as neglecting children, getting drunk and driving, etc. I truly wish someone had the ability to set them on the right path. Unfortunately, they are surrounded by family members and handlers that wish to bask in the secondary light from the spotlights.

Although I pick on my wife for being out out it when it comes to modern culture, she does have moments of being way ahead of the popular culture curve. Several months ago, she told me about a singer of whom I had never heard. My wife heard one of her songs on a commercial. The singer's name is Amy Winehouse. She is a twenty-three year old English singer. Her voice is a remarkable combination of Ella Fitzgerald, Barbara Streisand (young version) and Martha (from Martha and The Vandelles). Amy writes her own songs and has become quite a sensation in Europe. Unfortunately, Amy is addicted to drugs and alcohol. She often performs on stage while under the influence (hence, the "Wino" nickname). She has more talent than Britney, Lindsay, Nichole and Paris combined. She likely uses drugs in an effort to get away from the growing spotlight - not to garner additional media attention. If she continues her current lifestyle, she won't live much longer.

My only hope is that a higher power can straighten out these young women. Even the ones with no talent deserve the opportunity to enjoy true happiness for themselves. Hopefully, Amy can get her life together and we will have the opportunity to enjoy her talents for years to come.

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