Thursday, September 6, 2007

Simply Talk the Talk

I apologize for missing a day of posting. Two days ago, I lost my connection to the internet at home. Much to my dismay and surprise, the internet connection at work (from a different provider than at home) also went down. I am usually pretty even-keeled. However, I was going crazy without internet access - primarily due to not being able to send or receive e-mails at work.

I continue to be a huge fan of e-mail. While I agree that communicating by e-mail is not as personal as talking with someone in person or on the phone, it does usually require the sender to put more thought and structure into what he or she writes in an e-mail. My work position involves a significant amount of contact with people who would talk to me all day. Using e-mail dramatically reduces the number of times that I have to cut people off in person or on the phone.

The absence of an internet connection forced me to communicate with many people over the phone for the past couple of days. Somewhat surprisingly, it was not nearly as dreadful as I thought it would be. Many people were surprised to hear my voice. It was nice to "go back in time" to where the latest technical advance was a cell phone. I was forced to communicate with people in a more personal setting where I didn't have the control that I have in an e-mail exchange. It wasn't a bad experience.

Having shared those thoughts, I am overjoyed to once again have internet access at home and work. I am once again able to communicate with a larger number of people - although in much shorter e-mail exchanges rather than phone calls. Still, every so often, it is nice to return to a simpler way of doing things.

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