Monday, May 24, 2010

Persistence Pays Off

For over a decade, I have been discerning a vocation to the permanent diaconate in a diocese that does not yet have an ongoing permanent diaconate formation program.  One class of deacons was ordained several years ago (I just missed that class).  Since that ordination, there has been little activity related to continuing a permanent diaconate formation program in my diocese.

About a year ago, I was ready to join a parish in a neighboring diocese so that that I could continue my discernment.  I was very frustrated after a decade of running into brick walls and it didn't appear that I would ever get the opportunity to pursue being a deacon in my home diocese.  Fortunately, I crossed paths with Father A and Monsignor B.  Father A suggested that I let someone at the diocese know of my plans to join a parish in another diocese in order to be in a position continue my discernment.  Father A suggested that I meet personally with Monsignor B, a diocesan official.  Monsignor B was very understanding of my frustration.  He suggested that I hold off on any transitions until he had the opportunity to discuss my situation with our Bishop.  He suggested a plan that included getting my pastor involved and remaining actively involved in my parish.  He also supported my efforts to learn more about permanent diaconate formation programs in nearby dioceses. 

Recently, I received permission from my Bishop to seek application to a permanent diaconate formation program in a neighboring diocese with the intention of being ordained for service in my home diocese.  I really wondered if I would ever reach this point - even though I understand there there is a significant portion of the discernment journey in front of me. 

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