Monday, May 17, 2010

Annointing of the Sick

1) I could have used it.
2) Bea really needed it.
3) We need more priests.

For the past several days, I have been under the weather.  It started with fatigue and nausea early last week.  It moved into a fever.  Over the weekend, it hurt so much to swallow that I gave up on swallowing - I walked around with a plastic "spit" cup.  I went to urgent care on Sunday.  The physician assistant said I had all the signs of Strep throat, event though the thtoat culture swab test came back negative.  I am now on one of those many medications with "mycin" at the end of its name.  I will get better.

Earlier today, I got a call from a nearby assisted living center to inform me that one of the Catholic residents, Bea, has entered the active process of dying.  I bring communion to about 25 people there each week.  Well, I contacted Bea's home parish.  The pastor was out of town and nobody really knew how to reach him to see if Bea has received the Sacrament of the Annointing of the Sick.  Obviously, he would not have been able to administer this Sacrament to her.  I contacted both Catholic parishes in town.  Both parishes have two priests.  Of those four priests, three were enjoying a well-deserved day off (many priests take off on Mondays to rest from a weekend of Masses, weddings, baptisms, funerals, etc.).  The other priest was at an appointment.  I left voice-mail and e-mail messages with all of the priests.  All four got back to me - two of them almost immediately.  One went immediately to administer the Sacrament of the Annointing of the Sick to Bea.  Bea will get better, too - especially if she dies.

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