Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Tip of The Iceberg

I just read a report in the Sunday newspaper that claims the priest sexual assault issue is creeping ever closer to Pope Benedict himself. 

This may be the proverbial "tip of the iceberg", but from a different perspective.  I serve as legal guardian for several people with developmental disabilities.  One of these people is a convicted sexual offender.  His victim was a minor.  I have written about him before.  His offense was in no way predatory.  However, he does have issues of concern.

Many years ago, before there was a statewide sexual offender registry and notification requirements when a registered offender was to move into a neighborhood, I knowingly approved of the transfer of this man to a neighborhood where many minors resided.  On the surface - the "tip of the iceberg" - one could question why I would approve such a move.  Wasn't I just leading the fox into the hen house?  I was not.  A team of people put together a plan to address the ongoing issues of this man and provide him with the opportunity to live as full of a life as possible, while ensuring the safety of people around him.  He did have ongoing counseling.  He had someone keeping eyes on him all the time.  His team has been able to nip many potential disasterous situations in the bud.  He has shown no signs of seeking to sexually offend in many years.

Without looking at the rest of the iceberg, the "tip of the iceberg" would show that I authorized a sexual offender to live in a neighborhood with children.  However, the rest of the iceberg puts things in perspective - that we recognize concerns related to this man and have put together a plan to address those plans in a manner that recognizes the dignity and safety of the people surrounding this man AND the man himself.

I worry about many people making judgements related to priest sexual assault issues based on a perspective that is limited to seeing the "tip of the iceberg".  Did sexual assaults take place?  Yes.  Did some Church leaders know about it?  Yes.  Did some Church leaders cover up sexual assaults?  Yes.  One will accurately come to those conclusions by looking at the "tip of the iceberg". 

Is nearly every single Catholic priest a decent man seeking to serve God in the best way possible?  Yes.  Is nearly every single Catholic priest a man that has not sexually assaulted anyone?  Yes.  One will accurately come to those conslusions when looking at the entire iceberg.

I think it is critical that, when looking at individual accusations and the "big picture" related to sexual assaults by priests, one looks at the entire iceberg.  Neither individual cases of sexual assaults by priests nor the entire scandal can be appropriately addressed without the utilization of a broad perspective.

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