Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Swing

I have heard about people that cannot remember the 60s or the 70s.  I can do them at least one better.  In two of the past four days, I cannot remember the 30s, 40s and 50s!  When the faithful canine took me out for a walk this morning, the thermometer read 28 degrees Fahrenheit.  We recently completed a quick early evening walk.  The thermometer is at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.  We had a similar temperature swing two days ago.

It is somewhat amazing to wake up and have to put on a couple of layers of winter clothing prior to going outside to walk on a frost-covered and hard dirt path.  About twelve hours later, the same outdoor excursion can be comfortabely done while wearing shorts and a long-sleeved tee-shirt.  These really have been days comprised of three seasons of weather.

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