My mother passed away last month. This event caused me to think about many of the people that played a role in her life. Sure, there are her parents, her siblings, her spouse, her in-laws, her children, her friends, etc. However, for some reason, one name kept coming up during my recollections - Father Marcellus Cabo.
Many year ago, I would drive with my family to a small community about 45 minutes away to bring my older siblings to summer camps. Whenever we would make these trips, we always made a little side trip to visit the church where Father Marcellus served as pastor. It was located on an Indian reservation and had a small gift shop.
I was very young, perhaps 4 years old, when I first met Father Marcellus. Up to that time, the only priests with whom I had contact were diocesan priests. I was afraid of the priest that wore a dark robe with a rope belt. However, Father Marcellus' friendly and caring personality, as well as the fact that he gave me a little toy from the gift shop, quickly wiped away my fears.
Every year, we made it a point to visit Father Marcellus and take him out for dinner. He was always so friendly to all of us. I remember the compassion he showed to our family - and especially me - when my sister passed away (she was 6 and I was 5).
I remember how upset I was when my father informed me that Father Marcellus died. He was stabbed to death by a person he was serving. I could not comprehend how such a peaceful man could suffer such a violent death.
However, my primary memory of Father Marcellus was his friendly and gentle nature.
My recollections caused me to try to track down some information about Father Marcellus. Until a few days ago, I didn't even know his last name! I was curious about where he came from, his education, his vocation story. My curiosity led me to contact the Franciscans of Sacred Heart Province to see if I could find out more about the man. I have had an ongoing e-mail dialogue with them for several days and have learned much. I reminded them that my memory of Father Marcellus confirms that the good works that they do can have a lasting ripple effect.
P.S. 09/23/09 I just learned after talking with a sibling that the memorial fund for my sister that died in 1969 went to the support of Father Marcellus' ministry.
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