Thursday, March 5, 2009

8 Reasons to Cry

A little of two months ago, Nadya Suleman, a single mother of 6 children, gave birth to octuplets. From all appearances, it seems that it was her choice to have many more children (perhaps not 8 in one fell swoop).

In every single report I have seen, heard or read about this story, the focus is on the mother, Nadya: Boy, she looks like Angelina Jolie! Is she nuts? What is lost is that there are now 14 children (don't forget about the 6 children she had prior to the birth of the octuplets) that are beginning life with many challenges that other children do not face. We should really pray for these children and for their mother (but focus on the children). Seriously pray for these children. Then watch the video below. Although it pushes the borders (it is over the border if you think it is making light of the actual situation itself, but not over the border if you think it is making fun of the media coverage of the situation), it really does provide some insights into the situation. Then go back to seriously praying for the children.

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