Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Indian Summer

People in the midplain states usually look forward to Indian summer - even though the term is far from being politically correct. Indian summer is a period of several warm days that come after the first full moon of the fall. This is usually sometime during the last two weeks of October.

It has not been a good summer for people in the Orissa region of India. Orissa is on the eastern side of India, about halfway between the northern and southern points of India. It is considered northern India. After a Hindu leader was killed on August 24th by a Maoist group, the violence flared. Hindus blamed Christians for the murder and killed several Christians (including Catholics) in retaliation. Christians have responded against Hindus in a similar manner. There have been 47 confirmed deaths. Priests have been killed and nuns have been raped. Tens of thousands have been displaced. Thousands of homes and churches have been destroyed. This is a very precarious situation that could create widespread instablility. To see a recent Catholic News Service report, go to: http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/0804995.htm.

Let's hope and pray for the return of a peaceful and bright Indian summer.

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