Friday, August 22, 2008

A Whale of a Tale

Imagine if Saints Peter and Andews would have used Barbie fishing poles intead of boats and nets. Perhaps they did use Barbie fishing poles - that would help explain the miracle of the loaves and fishes.

What am I talking about? Recently, a man caught a record channel catfish in North Carolina. His means of landing this behemoth of a fish was a Barbie fishing pole. While fishing with his young granddaughter, she mentioned that she needed to use the restroom. The man took over his granddaughter's Barbie fishing pole while she was away. He noticed that there was a fish on her line. After a fierce battle, he was able to pull in the record fish. For details, go to the related article in the Raleigh-Durham News & Observer at:

The analogy? Just as a small Barbie fishing pole can bring in the largest of fish, so can a meek son of a carpenter be the ultimate fisher of men and their souls.

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