Friday, August 29, 2008

Candidate's Version of Trigonometry

In a post last week, I made mention of Sen. Joe Biden, Sen. Barack Obama's choice to be his running mate. Since I claim to be independent when it comes to political partisanship, I had better give equal time to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Sen. John McCain's choice to be his running mate.

When I hear earlier today that McCain selected Palin, I knew that I had heard her name before in a manner that is not related to the upcoming election. After spending a few minutes struggling with my middle-aged moment of trying to remember why the name struck me, I enjoyed the relief of an "ah ha" moment.

A few months ago while listening to a religious radio station, I recall hearing a news report about Governor Palin. The report stated that Governor Palin gave birth to a boy with Down Syndrome in April. In December, her physician informed her that tests showed positively that the baby she would give birth to a few months later had Down Syndrome. The medical professionals even mentioned that many parents-to-be make the difficult decision of terminating the pregnancy after hearing such news. Although they had four children at home and the responsibility of her position as Governor of Alaska, the Palins never considered anything other than welcoming the child into their lives. This is a remarkable story of seeing the person rather than the person's condition - even before that person is born.

For an article on this story from WorldNetDaily, go to:

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