Monday, March 3, 2008

A Steamy March

U.S. President George W. Bush is incompetent. Just ask John McCain and Mike Huckabee. They want nothing to do with him. My guess is that once he officially has enough delegates to be the Rebublican nominee, McCain will politely ask President Bush to stay out of his campaign.

George W. Bush is dangerous, especially to Catholics in Mosul, Iraq. Just ask the relatives and friends of Father Ragheed Ganni and Archbishop Paulos Rahho. Unfortunately, we cannot directly ask Father Ganni. He was killed along with three subdeacons while leaving the Church of the Holy Spirit last June. We cannot directly ask Archbishop Rahho. He was kidnapped outside of the same Mosul church a few days ago. The three people with him were killed. See the Catholic News Service story at:
See the ZENIT story at:

Yes, I have voted for Republicans in the past. However, I am pleased to report that I have not, nor would I ever, vote for George W. Bush for any leadership position. When Bush was rattling his sabre against Iraq in an effort to maintain control of that country's oil, nearly every diplomatic entity in the world, including the Vatican, was urging the President against an attack. In a blatant sign of a leadership vacuum, the President went forward with the attack. In the words of Dr. Phil, "How did that work out for ya?"

The Vatican warned that an attack would place Christians in the region in great peril. Unfortunately, the Vatican was right. The number of Christians in the region have greatly diminished and those that choose to stay do so at great risk. This is thanks to the foreign policy of our "Christian" President.

When Pope Benedict visits with President Bush in a little over a month, I hope His Holiness brings up the plight of Christians in the Persian Gulf region. I hope President Bush will admit that mistakes were made and will put forth a commitment to bring peace and safety to all of the people in the region, not just Christians.

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