Sunday, March 23, 2008

An Easter Swim

Well, with my mother and me cheering her on, my wife "swam the Tiber" yesterday. After several weeks of RCIA classes, she became a "card carrying Papist". Of course, this means that she should no longer vote in our elections since her allegiance is to a ruler based in Rome.

Actually, it was a very nice ceremony that went without a hitch (with the exception of the smoke from the incense setting of a smoke alarm - a situation that was immediately addressed by a quick-acting associate pastor). My wife's primary concern was that she would not know appropriate responses during parts of the ceremony. Fortunately, I was able to tell her that "Amen" was the proper response 75% of the time and that I would be standing next to her when she had to say something other than "Amen".

In spite of all the joking that can take place when a Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod member converts to Roman Catholicism, my wife seemed to be moved by the ceremony and felt different (in a positive way) after the ceremony than she did before the ceremony. Maybe there is something to all of this stuff!

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