Saturday, November 17, 2007

Politics as Usual

A couple of weeks ago, Christian Broadcasting Network founder and chairman Pat Robertson announced that he would support Rudy Guliani's campaign to become the next U.S. president. (,2933,308997,00.html)

This event reminded me of a conversation I had many years ago with a fellow novice. He claimed that the Republican Party was far more moral than the Democratic Party because the Republican Party platform included a strong stand against abortion. I argued that neither party was more moral than the other and that either party would sell-out on any issue if it meant the party gaining or maintaining political power.

Well, the cash register is ringing loudly for the Republican Party. This supposedly moral and family-friendly party may very well nominate an adulterer that supports abortion, gay rights and contraception. Why this support? Because they feel that Rudy, regardless of his positions, may offer the best chance for the Republicans to keep control of the White House.

Lest you think of me as a liberal hack, the Democratic Party is no better - as I argued with my fellow novice a generation ago. In politics, power trumps morality.

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