Friday, November 9, 2007

It's About The People

In the summer prior to entering the novitiate of a religious order, I worked in a well-known resort area. The owners of the resort where I worked were very fundamentalist when it came to religious beliefs. I believe they were Baptists. They knew of my desire to enter a religious order.

On morning, one of the owners, in an attempt to "needle" me, informed me that the Catholic Church had completely screwed up his family. I told him that, if his family was as screwed up as he claimed, the Catholic Church had nothing to do with it. The actions of screwed up people, some of whom may have been Catholic, led to his screwed up family. Did the Baptist church screw up Jimmy Swaggart's family? No - Jimmy Swaggart screwed up his family. I told the owner in no uncertain terms that actions of his own family members likely led to his family being so screwed up.

The Catholic Church isn't perfect. Never has been and never will be. The Catholic Church is comprised of imperfect humans. Some of these same imperfect humans fight civil authorities in an effort to serve the homeless in Green Bay. Some of these same imperfect humans publicly assail our government's use of torture and targeting innocent civilians.

It's all about the people.

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