Prior to Pope Benedict's authorization changes related to the requirments need to celebrate the Tridentine Mass, I read numerous periodicals stating that the Latin Mass should be swept into use as quickly as it was swept out of use by the crazy Vatican II liberals.
A few dislosures are necessary at this point. I support the increased use of Latin responses and Gregorian chant in the Sacred Liturgy. It is comforting to go to Mass in other countries and see that some major portions of the Mass are exactly the same in Mexico, Rome, Munich or a small city the heartland of the United States.
The current situation presents a major learning opportunity. Whether or not one favors the Tridentine Mass or the New Order Mass, we have become accostumed to the various parts of the Mass. We participate in them without much thought. We do things because that is the way we have done them for many years. By placing an increased emphasis on the use of Latin, we need to think more about the parts of the Liturgy - what they mean as part of the Liturgy and what they mean to us (or what they should mean to us).
The conservatives argue that we shouldn't forget important traditions. The liberals argue that we need to keep up with the times. It seems as if the major problems that relate to Liturgical abuses arise when one moves toward either one of these extremes. We need to work to find the appropriate balance between past and present. The Liturgy cannot and should not be seen as having to be "either...or".
During His ministry on earth, Christ emphasized the need to live a life that incorporates both traditional and current aspects. Let's follow His example.
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