Friday, August 31, 2007

Joe vs. Larry

Well, this post marks the first time I have carried a theme from one day to the next.

While reading a version of Butler's Lives of the Saints this morning, I learned about Joseph of Arimathea. He is the man that approached Pilate to claim and bury the body of Jesus. Joseph was a politician at the time. In public, he kept his belief in Jesus as the Messiah under wraps for fear that it might harm his political career. However, he led a very moral private life. His claiming the body of Jesus was a big deal - it represented his public profession that he was a follower of Jesus.

Contrast that with Senator Larry Craig. He represents himself in public as a God-fearing and moral person. However, his recent actions indicate that his private life is somewhat lacking in morality to say the least. His arrest represents his forced public profession that he is not the moral person he claims to be in public. I do not fault Senator Craig for being a sinner. We are all sinners. I fault him for leading the double life of publicly crusading for morality in an effort to maintain political power, but privately leading a life that includes seeking anonymous sexual partners.

Why do we wonder why politicians have a bad name?

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