The millions of readers of this blog know that I make regular reference to events I experience with my canine companion. His name is Archie. As I write this, Archie is in an animal hospital. While he looks fine and is in no pain, his kidneys are barely functioning and it appears that the situation will not improve much. He will reamin in the hospital for a couple more days to see if fluid therapy might help stablize things. Even if there is improvement, it will only be temporary. However, he may improve enough to come home for some final events - a final walk in the park, a final night sleeping on his favorite bed, etc.
Obviously, my wife and I will have to put Archie to sleep sometime in the not-too-distant future. This is no easy thing to do. My wife and I just celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. Two months after our wedding, Archie joined our family as a puppy. The three of us have been through many experiences together. Given the inevitable loss, it seems that a perfect three-legged stool is now a terribly out-of-balance two legged stool.
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