Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Bishops vs. The Talking Heads

Yes, I listened to that big Republican blowhard on the radio this morning.  He was ranting about how terrible health care reform would be and how President Obama and the Democrats cannot be trusted.  I got so sick of hearing this that I turned to another station and hear the same things, but from the mouth of Rush Limbaugh.  Yes, the first radio station that I listened to was a "Catholic" radio station.  If one didn't recognize the voice of the host, one would have had to wait for a commercial to realize that the station claims to be "Catholic".  It is no wonder that a rift is growing between the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops and many well-known "Catholic" media outlets.  Many of these outlets have taken significant liberties in their interpretations of the USCCB's positions, especially those related to health care reform.

I'll save you the time and anguish involved in trying to learn about the Catholic perspective on health care reform through "Catholic" media outlets.  Stick with the Bishops on this one, folks.

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