Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Hope

It wasn't a very happy beginning of the new year for the families and friends of close to 100 Pakistanis that were killed in a suicide bombing.  News reports indicated that the Taliban-coordinated attack targeted people that were organizing pro-government groups. 

After hearing the message of hope that was the focus of many presentations in churches and synogogues during the past month, it can be difficult to come to grips with what happened in Pakistan.  In classic western movies and professional wrestling, the good guy always wins in the end.  There are always periods where it seems certain that evil will triumph.  However, divine will that comes to fruition on earth through human will (even in a professional wrestling ring) is no match for evil. 

There will be more attacks similar to the one that took place in Pakistan.  However, there will be good people that will refuse to sit idly by and watch the attacks take place.  Some of these people may very well be people that had previously been involved in planning and carrying out such attacks, but have come to their senses.

As long as there are humans in the world, there will be evil.  The message of the past thirty days remindes us that there will always be hope, as well.

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