Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Jerusalem, My Destiny?

The Vatican remains silent about a report in an Italian newspaper that the Pope will visit Israel in May. For the past couple of months, there have been rumors that the visit was in the works. Such a trip would have major significance. After years of improving relations between the Vatican and Jewish leaders, there have been recent tensions related to the possible canonization of Pope Pius XII, the Pope during the war years. Some Jewish leaders condemn Pius for not actively and publicly denouncing Nazi policies and actions related to Jews. Other Jewish leaders claim Pius did more than nearly any leader to assist Jews and that public statements from Pius might have done more harm than good.

Benedict's visit could prove to be a pivot that leads to either improved or deteriorating relations between the Vatican and Jewish leaders.

To see a related article from Catholic News Service, go to: http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/0806290.htm.

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