Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Day After The Day After

Time heals all wounds.

One day after hearing that our nation is near the brink of destruction, many political and religious conservatives are coming to their senses. As I always do, I spent an hour or so listening to Catholic radio this morning. While callers to the program still think that the world is going to end very soon due to the result of the Presidential election, the hosts were the voices of reason. The hosts said that they initially felt the way many of the callers felt. However, after another day of thinking about the situation, the hosts said that all of us need to "play with the cards that we have been dealt". The hosts even went so far as to say that, like all Presidents, Barack Obama will do some very positive things and will also do some very negative things. They said that it is the duty of every Christian to keep pushing for pro-life causes (not just abortion). Christians must watch the Obama administration "like a hawk". The same hosts also said it is the duty of every of every Christian to work with the Administration - even though some of the major policies of the Administration may seem to be very "anti-life".

Is is too bad that more people do not have that same attitude all of the time.

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