Thursday, September 25, 2008

Separation of Church and State

I have finally had enough. One of the religious radio networks that I had been listening to is Relevent Radio. I really didn't go out of my way to listen to the local AM station. However, while driving to or from work, I would sometimes listen to their programs.

Over the past several weeks, whenever I would tune into the local Relevant Radio station, the program hosts would be "singing the praises" of one of our candidates for President and lambasting the other candidate (I'll let you guess which is which). Now, I really don't know whom I am going to vote for in the upcoming election. This is different than knowing whom I am not going to vote for. It really doesn't matter to me whom the Relevant Radio hosts praise or scorn. However, if I wanted to hear such partisan political banter, I would listen to Rush Limbaugh or tune into Air America. One would not expect to hear such banter on Relevant Radio. I really question how Relevant Radio can maintain their IRS 501(c)3 exemption given their clear efforts to encourage listeners to support a particular candidate.

I will no longer listen to Relevant Radio. Fortunately, through the miracle of satellite radio, I have the opportunity to listen to The Catholic Channel. This station on Sirius Satellite Radio is run by the Archdiocese of New York. One might think that the programming is very conservative. I have found the programming to be very "middle of the road" (with an occasional leaning toward the conservative side). Mostly, I find the programming to be pretty funny and entertaining. Some of the hosts are very intelligent and humorous. This is a wonderful combination - thinking and laughing. They even poke fun at the Pope (in a non-scandalous manner, of course).

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