Friday, July 18, 2008

Opening Day

Although I didn't make it this year, I often attend the home opening game for the Milwaukee Brewers. I usually make it to the home opener of the Green Bay Packers, as well.

Earlier today, I participated in another opening day event. I managed to cut a work meeting short and took in an afternoon matinee showing of Mamma Mia, the highly-touted movie that is based on the music of ABBA (but is NOT the story of ABBA). Here are my initial impressions:
  • even if one hates the music of ABBA, they still might enjoy this movie. In a very creative and comical way, the movie-makers incorporate the music of ABBA into the story line. The "heart" of the movie is the storyline. The "blood" that keeps it going is the music of ABBA.
  • No aspect of the movie takes itself too seriously. This makes it very enjoyable.
  • While there are no moments in the movie that will bring about raucous belly laughs, the movie somehow maintains a fairly high level of "funniness" throughout.
  • Nearly all of the actors sing in the movie. Although they do a fair job of singing, they would do better to stick to acting - with the exception of Amanda Seyfried, the young actress that plays Sophie - this movie will propel her to stardom.
  • The scenery is beautiful - set on a small Greek island.
  • Bjorn and Benny from ABBA make cameo appearances in the movie.
  • As a musical, Mamma Mia is certainly no Singing in the Rain or The Sound of Music, but I would rank it higher than Chicago or Moulin Rouge.
  • The movie is worth seeing. I can see how some people might like it more than others. I don't see how many people could hate it.
  • There will likely be some Oscar nominees from the movie - Meryl Streep might have a chance for best actress, the screenplay is very strong and the music, of course, might be recognized. My dark horse for Oscar recognition would be Colin Firth for best supporting actor. He is an excellent actor and a decent singer - he was understatedly very funny in the movie.

Of course, Mamma Mia has a website. Go to:

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