Late last fall, we dealt with mice in our attic. It started with hearing some scratching noises right above our bed (the attic is directly over our bedroom). Those of you that have experienced "varmints" in the attic know that ist is difficult to determine what type of animal is building a home based on the sounds heard. We thought we might have had anything ranging from a chipmunks to a possum in the attic. When I went up to investigate, I found no signs of any animals. However, I purchased a fairly large live trap and set it up with several carrots serving as bait. When I checked on the trap the next morning, the trap was there and the bait was gone. So, I knew we had a smaller than expected house guest. I bought a much smaller live trap. On the first night I set it up, two cute little field mice were trapped. The next night, another was trapped. Since the traps are made of stainless steel, the mice make a ton of noise when caught in the trap. It sounds like pots and pans banging. Of course, they always get caught in the trap between midnight and 2:00 am. They have to be dealt with or my wife and I cannot sleep. So, I go out to the garage, move one of the cars, set up a ladder, climb up to move the door to the attic, climb back down, extend the ladder through the open doorway, climb up with a flashlight and a box, scurry around the attic to the trap, place the trap in a box, climb back down, pull the ladder down a bit, climb back up to close the door, get in the car, drive a couple miles away, release the mouse into a field, drive back and try to get some sleep.
During the winter, I forgot about this process. However, in early December, I placed some bait in a trap. We heard nothing until last night, when we heard the clunking that we hadn't heard for six months.
So, what entities really run things? Mice or men?
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