Friday, January 4, 2008

Not the One and Only

Two buck deer are sitting at the top of a hill - a father buck and his adult son. They notice about 20 does in the field below. It is mating season. The young deer says to his father, "Dad, let's each of us run down the hill and mate with one of the does!" The father replies, "Son, let's each of us walk down the hill and mate with all of them."

I was reminded of this story while listening to Catholic radio this morning. They had a couple of pro-life movement representatives touting the victory of Gov. Huckabee (I don't have a problem with Gov. Huckabee - he seems to be a pretty good candidate) in the Iowa caucuses and urging Catholics to vote. Of course, they argued that Catholics must vote pro-life - there is no other cause on which to base a vote.

If you have read my blog before, you know that I do hope and pray for the day when there will be no abortions. That day will come when women are not put in positions where abortion is the only option they perceive. However, abortion is not the only issue (although it is critical) and all of the negative things in the world do not stem from abortion. If abortions stopped this second, we would still have a world filled with war, hunger, murder, drug abuse, terrorism, rape, torture, the death penalty, etc. These "man-made" evils all stem from the human weakness of greed and lust for power, not from abortion.

Just imagine the progress that could be made if just some of the world-wide energy currently put into the pro-life cause would be spent in some of these other areas.

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