I was reading an article in a weekly Catholic newspaper about global warming. What started out as an article about some global warming activists being a bit on the extreme side (with which I would agree) ended up as an article arguing that the global warming movement was mainly about abortion. The simplified argument goes like this: Global warming activists feel that most of us are leaving a carbon footprint that is bad for our planet. The more people we have on the planet, the more carbon footprints we will have. More abortions would mean fewer people to leave carbon footprints. Thus, the goal of the global warming activists in to promote more abortions.
Well, there are likely a few wackos that fit into this argument from a couple of perspectives. There are some pro-abortion activists that would like to hijack the global warming movement to promote abortion. These people are wackos. There are some anti-abortion activists, like the author of the article I read, that feel that the entire global warming movement is about promoting abortion. These people are also wackos.
It is possible to have significant concerns about global warming and other enverinomental issues AND be opposed to abortion. One has to look no further than Pope Benedict XVI. He has spoken often of the need for Christians to be environmental caretakers of our planet. He has even ordered that Vatican buildings become more "green" by using solar power. Last I checked, I don't think His Holiness is too keen on abortion.
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