Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Place Between a Rock and a Hard Place

A couple of weeks ago, I read about a legislator that was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident. Fortunately, his injuries are healing well. Ironically, his accident happened while he was riding his motorcycle back from a rally against mandatory motorcycle helmet laws. Of course, he was not wearing a helmet when he was struck by another vehicle. After the accident, the legislator vowed to maintain his strong opposition to mandatory helmet laws. All I can say is this: Some people have more to protect than others.

Ironic situations such as this sometimes get me thinking in very imaginative ways. Given the irony of the legislator's accident while coming from an anti-helmet rally, I tried to imagine situations that might be more ironic. Here is one I came up with - and it is a bit disturbing. Imagine that there is a huge pro-life event of some type. Some kook wants to get some publicity and storms the event and kills several of the participants. He then shoots himself. Will anyone connected to the victims of such a tragic event wish that this kook was aborted? This situation demonstrates how easy it is for events that are beyond our control to transpire that place us on very ethically slippery slopes.

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