Monday, August 8, 2011

Recalling Being Born and Bred in Wisconsin

I am a moderate and I am lost.  Tomorrow, there will be six recall elections targeting Republican State Senators in Wisconsin.  Next week, there will be two more elections targeting Democratic State Senators.  Unless your last name is Van Winkel, you are probably aware of the damage that extreme partisanship has brought upon Wisconsin.  We now only know how to campaign.  We no longer know how to govern.  This is a major problem during any period, especially a period of severe economic challenges.  So, the Blues and the Reds are ready to bash each others heads in for the next week. 

Most of the time, I am part Blue and part Red - I am Bred.  I don't know if I have ever voted straight ticket in any election.  However, in the current political climate, that is not acceptable.  I have to choose one or the other.  It seems that there are a growing number of people like me - people that look for leaders to govern, rather than campaign.  Maybe we are the actual silent majority that so many people talk about.

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