Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Walking On Water

Yes, I can walk on water. I have done it the past couple of days. No, I don't live near a frozen body of water.

The midwest got several inches of slushy snow this past weekend (fortunately, I have a snowblower). It was about 32 degrees when the precipitation came on Saturday. Since then we have had sub-freezing temperatures. By the miracles of physics, there is a nice crust of ice on top of the several inches of snow.

My main concern was walking the dog. He is very much a "momma's boy" and has very tender paws that are easily irritated by cold and ice (he even has a couple of sets of boots). When I took him out for a long evening walk on Saturday, it was tough going. We both had to trudge through sloppy snow. By Sunday morning, the ice crust developed. Archie and I were able to walk on top of all of the snow as if we were walking on concrete.

During our walks, I have thought about Jesus walking on water and determined that there are no similarities between His walking on water and the experience Archie and I have enjoyed the past couple of days. Archie and I are subject to the laws of physics. Once the environmental conditions change, there goes our walking on water. Jesus didn't need to pay much attention to the laws of physics.

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